Day 17
Today, everything confirms what i have always ponder about. Who you are today is very much determined by genes and upbringing. You just can not help it. Did a Ego-gram (whatever you call that) today and it further confirms Pi's assertion:- that my sense of recognition is ridiculously high.
Heh~ That's a Deaf point of mine, meaning i have been told about it, but i choose to ignore. Come on... Living in denial is sometimes human ma... But nowadays i am more aware of the "danger" it could bring.
Everyone will have a PARENT, an ADULT and a CHILD in them, it is a matter of which is more domineering at any point in time. For me, the "Compliant Child" is the main character that "controls" me all the time. And the psychologist-lecturer has to point out (of all other characters!!) that Compliant Childs are the people who losses their voice, are more susceptible to and suffer from all sorts of mental inbalance/disorders, get diahorreas, suffer from identity crisis so on and so for. The Compliant Childs, including myself, in the class almost fainted @ her "rich" illustrations. Bleah !!!!
Which leads me to another point, that people of similar personalities flock together. Need i say more? Cos Sally, Wendy and Melissa are all Compliant Child too >.<""" Opposite attract does happen. But my observations tell me that i am right though. Human relationships react in a Southpole attracts Southpole pattern rather than the conventional North attract South theory. Hmmm... will try to read up a little on social psychology.
In fact, anything man... I have a shelf of books and a list of others more that i wanna read. I need to enrich myself. =)