Day 11 - Comm Class
Yeah, finally can post the pictures... Dunno what's wrong with Blogger on Monday.
Class getting more fun without our official instructor. Opps =P
After attending Batch 854's graduation yesterday, it gave us more ideas of what to prepare for our own graduation. That explains why more people are bringing digital camera to class, to capture more candid shots. We need more people like "RA" Kelvin, "Sha-da-jie" Cherlyn and joker David. Put the 3 of them together, you get a whole afternoon of laughing gas in your stomach. It's been almost 3 weeks and ice's only starting to break. I'm beginning to enjoy the class more, minus the apprehension. Starting to unwind =)
Started our communications class today and we have this british man to teach and correct our singaporean english. Felt so pai seh about our "localized" english. Sometimes you just cannot help it, as much as i strive to practise good english, i find it difficult because your environment proves to be a greater influence over your determination. But! Never say die... Shall try harder.
Hehehe here's some of the fun we had last Friday in the skincare class. The guys just started snapping away when they got really bored while waiting.
Wendy, Sally and moi. Urh.... Ugly hair... Yucks... Am really considering Marilyn's suggestion: To cut short and blow the China doll look. Alrite, pls don't imagine.

The rest of the girls in the class, excluding the camera-shy Melissa.

During the "Hands-on". Notice we were trying to remove our eye makeup?

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