Day 8
Today's pretty enjoyable with the skincare "practicals" by Marilyn, one of those who decide our fate during Kebaya. A very fun and approachable lady as opposed to the fierce and unfeeling interviewer who maintained such stern countenance that freak all of us out. It's the big day today cos she has to evaluate our hair and makeup, which explains why the past few days we're all so drained out trying to get our hair colour right, nails trimmed and painted and the make up right. Sounds so bimbo LOL...
After everyone had been evaluated, she made all of us remove our make up step by step despite all the girls' whining about the wee morning hrs effort. However, the practical turned out to be really fun and enlightening as it helped us understood our skin type better and the proper procedures through the skin care, esp important for us in this line. Guys are included too haha.

The 8 guys in our class. Think they were waiting for their turn for evaluation.
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