Day 15 - Etiquette Class

Ya, a picture paints a thousand words.
Etiquette class today was fun but strenuous as it was the first time we had to carry that tray holding 18 full cups for WBJ service, while watching our posture and language used in full uniform. WTH. It is really NOT easy, worse than any of my waitressing experience donkey years ago. And guess what? Soon after, i got serious backaches, arm muscle aches and am running a slight fever now. *Sianz* Been getting sick more easily these days... It didn't help that the food in the canteen sucks too. Not much selection and unhealthy.... Urh.... OLD liao....
First half of the day was enjoyable as we learn how to "catwalk", bow, sit etc.... And @ the mock ups it was full of crap and laughter cos we went tekan-ing the guys while we pretend to be Pax and they serve us the drinks.
Girl: "Can i have Ni (meaning milk in Hokkien) pls"
Guy: *Stunned, Hand flew up to their "breast"* "Huh? Orh.... wait ah, i go behind squeeze"
Laugh until pengz.
And other non - existent drinks like Teh-Si Ice, Dinosaur, "Yun Yong" blar blar blar... =P
Had a little chat with Mr ex-goatee, Donald, on the mock up about the life of a couple of his close friends who are cabin crews. Didn't sound nice at all, or maybe 80 % of it. There's really a price to pay for everything. Glamorous? Nah, i still hold my stand. But i will take pride in what i do. They are 2 completely different issues. Managing internal colleagues was agreed to be the hardest game to play, for the survival in this industry. Though that's really not my cup of tea, but i am still trying my best to learn. *Bless me* I just hope i am not going to be one of those Counting-down-to-22months type.
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