1st October
Still remember why i started this blog at all?
I was counting down to a brand new "high flying", supposedly glamorous job, away from the rigid, desk-bound debt hounding bitch i was, with peanuts pay.
2 years and 7 months on, I am once again counting down.
But instead of forward, i am counting it backwards.
In Paris now. 3rd last to enjoy the sweets that this job brings. Only Seoul and Hong Kong left to go. =(
It has been an extremely hectic September. I tried to squeeze in so much since i know that i do not have much time left, that i am suffering from sleep deprivation. I was hardly home for more than 48 hours.
Now i realise, time is so hard to buy.
I keep looking back, where all is 好吃好住好玩, minus the hard, manual work. I knew i am going to miss it a hell lot. Of course, with a new 'roster' of monday-friday 10am-8pm, it pales in comparison to my previous "one week in London and the next in New York" kind of lifestyle.
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