As long as i am happy
Thought i will just leave it here.Chloe Bag?Sure it is. But mine cost a hundred times lesser, bought from BV ;9I am neither a supporter for "Made in China" fakos, nor am i a brand fanatic.Ling is just the average 80% of the population who lives in HDB flats; those who work my ass off to earn my keep; who have a family to support; those who looks forward to month-end for pay to come in; who still enjoy the cheap and fabulous hawker food.Splurging my entire paycheck on a fancy brand in order to impress, is not something i could afford every other day, week or month. Neither will i starve in order to save for that XXX bag. It's never ending to fashion, there'll always be something to save up for, cos the season changes so fast. Thank god i don't work in an industry that's similiar to the one in "Devil wears Prada".Yeah, although i admit i would love to have maybe a few designer stuff, but i am not born the silverspoon kind of person, so i gotta know the limit to which i can use the "Oh, i deserve to pamper myself" excuse ;PHowever, my life shouldn't be measured from what designer bag i carry or what i wear from my neck and down, but who i am as a person. The real valuables are the intangibles sitting above one's neck. Knowledge and a Heart for Life.
My reeaaaaaaaally belated Birthday cum X'mas pressie from Pretty woman.
And i was least expecting a pair of shoes from her! Hehe...Also, Pretty woman got me a Ferrero Rocher Ester Egg, despite me not able to be there... Yum Yum~ Too bad my cough came back again... Gotta shelf it >=(
And in the morning i had this coffee for breakfast, a little "door gift" for me to test tes. And such an interesting cutie must be Japanese =9
Verdict: Pretty good. I seldom take black coffee, but i do like this one =)*************I really wanna scream today, while i was on the cab on the way home. Even on flight.
Behind all the TQs and S'ries, it was helluva internal struggle to keep that devil call "temper", down.
Pointless to explain and/or argue. It doesn't work here.
Good thing is? I hope i never will have to see (some of) them ever again.
Am waiting to be fed here in Yen's house in Brisbane =9So bad, sometimes i feel like i'm imposing on them. But it feel really good to be able to catch up with them so often. Like i won't be missing out so much? Had i am not been where i am, maybe the next time i see them will be at their wedding? ************k, gotta run, dinner starting!
The Big Apple
I know i'm gonna be bashed up for what i am going to saying next.I got bored in New York.>.<" Although it was not "A Series of Unfortunate Events" like my very first Frankfurt-New York last October, the people are consider ooookay, except for a few unpopular characters. And when you have a batch girl on flight together, we just want to be left alone to enjoy each other's solitude for the entire trip.
Frankfurt.While walking to the town, we spotted so many pretty trees! Being a botanic idiot, i'll just called them the German cherry blossom =D
And Tada! My must-go place in Frankfurt for Yogurt.
Simply loved the fruits-oats-yogurt, cos it's a treat from an overdose of meat and starch.The Big Apple, after an unexpected snow storm the day before we arrived.
Great. The temperature dipped to around negative or zero, when we were only prep for about 10 degrees. Thank god, i brought my thermal.Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............. Cooooooold.
We decided to capture this view cos the New York Public Library never look so pretty with those snow covered steps.The invasion of Starbucks.
We Starbucksed wherever we go cos they're everywhere in NYC.Missed it? You'll find another one around the corner or 2 more blocks down.In a way i appreciate the convenience, cos it's a perfect hideout with a cup of hot chocolate from the icy wind and rest our tired feet.The Trump Tower skating ring.
Laden with shopping and freezing cold to walk from the 35th street to 56th street, we decided to spent USD$2 to take the trains. One trip only USD$2 >.<" It's also our first time taking the subway!
Our daily huge American Breakfast, though C hates eggs, she sacrifises for me. =9
Loooooooooong Trip.
I actually got bored shopping. I mean there's only so much you can shop right? Though there were offers to go to the Statue of Liberty, i decided against it cos of the freezing weather. If we went, i would have became the other statue there. Frozen.
I gotta find something else to do in NYC next time. How i wish i have a friend there who'll be nice enough to bring me around =9
Missed home a hell lot. Couldn't wait to come home and get the Nelly Furtado's haircut, after watching her "Say It Right" MTV consistently for 7 days.
You guessed it.Home for 3 days, got a whole list of errands to run and one was a trip to the hair dresser. ^.^
Back to the old ways
It's back to the old ways, after 17 days of non-moisturizer-reliant days.Hiak.Perhaps i did let "complacency" gets to me a little, thinking 2nd most junior wont ganna B2 (galley) work. Well well well... If only i have such luck in TOTO.Okie back to the picture.17 days, enough to rob me of my memory of what to do. So the first day, i returned to work in an apprehensive mood, feels like SNY or first solo again. It's 7 am in the morning, after waking up more than 2 hrs ago, i logged in only to find my "arch enemies", the leading couple from my previous FRA-JFK, are onboard. Almost fainted onto the PC panel. That sent me into a frenzy reaching for my notes.Then came B2. *Jolt up from my morning "Seh-ness"*Suddenly all my cells are awake and working.Yeah, i know it's not the first time. But still, i know myself. I know how blur i can be when under stress. I guess i don't naturally belong to those who shine under adverse conditions =9However, today was indeed a good practise, getting a better grasp. The first sector my LS did almost everything for me, he kinda subtely drive me out of the galley to do other stuff and he took over my duties. So Pai Seh... And i felt so bad. Luckily there's another chance for me to redeem myself. Time to get a grip, so i will myself to do better on the way back.It was. Phewz~Totally worned out, aching everywhere, feels as though i've run a marathon today.Time to knock out.-----------------------
Old habits die hard.I still find myself making mental reminders whenever i reached home, to 'remove my contact lens' asap, or wanting to reach for my glasses when my vision's is blurry at night.Take a moment for me to realise that, there aint any contact lens for me to remove, and if i do, it'll be my eye flap? Heh~ Gross, i know. =P*********************Great day catching up with you babe, thanks for lifting up my mood too. Gelare's wafer never taste better with good company. Although their mocha frappaccino's horrid.=/
This was what "woke" me up from my daze today.Happened at the hotspot in the late afternoon, which is non-other than Bishan.In a drunk state, he staggered sideways before felling off onto the tracks right before us.*Panic*Thank god, the emergency-bell point is right where we were. Pi was hitting it so hard, until he was sure the train, which was 1 min away, had stopped completely.And then, i believed like the many others there, i went "PHEWZ...."The guy was lying across the track in sub-consciousness, which we believed was the concussion due to the fall. It took a while before the station staff arrived, which feels like forever, and jumped onto the track to check on the guy. Before that, a young teenage girl wanted to go down and help that guy, but was of course stopped by her family and me. I'm really impressed with her courage though. =)Enough of that. A few days of hibernation at home i finally break through that inertia, and started my cooking "course". First chapter, Porridge! Heh~
New Lease of Life
As i lay down on the operating table, i realise that i am not mentally prepared enough for it.
Hell and they wasted no time in getting down to business. That's when my nightmare began.
When the clamping started, i seriously thought cosmetic surgery was included in the package i paid for. Cos i felt as if the corners of my eyes are goona tear and my eyes be enlarged. Just like the plastic surgery for almond-shape eyes. Like the Japanese girls?
Besides the extraction of my wisdom teeth some years ago, this was yet another traumatic experience that i do not wish to endure ever again.
On the OT i was really glad i chose Dr Lee, knowing that he's very experienced, does soothes me a little despite my immense pain. Finally not dependent on glasses, but i am still trying to accustom to it. Vision is still blur, hazy and full of glare and halos, just like doctor have warned. I can only hope it will heal faster. Hiak.
Time to bade farewell.I fell hard in love with you 14 years ago.You were the hippest and the coolest to be around with then. And i fought hard to be with you.But as time goes by, your possessiveness gets unbearable and my reliance on you was hampering me in every single way. All of my friends advised me to leave and that gradually influenced me to turn to others..I know you have always been there for me despite my unfaithfulness. You'll always embrace me like an angel, whenever i go running back to you.But this time round, my mind is set. I can't keep doing this. I need to live my life. I gotta to learn to let you go, and i hope i have your blessings. And today, I can finally let go of you, my spectacles...