The Big Apple
I know i'm gonna be bashed up for what i am going to saying next.
I got bored in New York.
Although it was not "A Series of Unfortunate Events" like my very first Frankfurt-New York last October, the people are consider ooookay, except for a few unpopular characters. And when you have a batch girl on flight together, we just want to be left alone to enjoy each other's solitude for the entire trip.
While walking to the town, we spotted so many pretty trees! Being a botanic idiot, i'll just called them the German cherry blossom =D

And Tada! My must-go place in Frankfurt for Yogurt.

Simply loved the fruits-oats-yogurt, cos it's a treat from an overdose of meat and starch.
The Big Apple, after an unexpected snow storm the day before we arrived.

Great. The temperature dipped to around negative or zero, when we were only prep for about 10 degrees. Thank god, i brought my thermal.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............. Cooooooold.

We decided to capture this view cos the New York Public Library never look so pretty with those snow covered steps.
The invasion of Starbucks.

We Starbucksed wherever we go cos they're everywhere in NYC.
Missed it? You'll find another one around the corner or 2 more blocks down.
In a way i appreciate the convenience, cos it's a perfect hideout with a cup of hot chocolate from the icy wind and rest our tired feet.
The Trump Tower skating ring.

Laden with shopping and freezing cold to walk from the 35th street to 56th street, we decided to spent USD$2 to take the trains. One trip only USD$2 >.<"
It's also our first time taking the subway!

Our daily huge American Breakfast, though C hates eggs, she sacrifises for me. =9

Loooooooooong Trip.
I actually got bored shopping. I mean there's only so much you can shop right? Though there were offers to go to the Statue of Liberty, i decided against it cos of the freezing weather. If we went, i would have became the other statue there. Frozen.
I gotta find something else to do in NYC next time. How i wish i have a friend there who'll be nice enough to bring me around =9
Missed home a hell lot. Couldn't wait to come home and get the Nelly Furtado's haircut, after watching her "Say It Right" MTV consistently for 7 days.

You guessed it.
Home for 3 days, got a whole list of errands to run and one was a trip to the hair dresser. ^.^
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