As promised.Traders Hotel...

Room's much nicer than Renaissance, but in terms of facilities, i prefer Renaissance... What a waste, cos they have an in-door pool instead of an out-door one... Haiz...
The Mummy Museum!!! On the first day's afternoon.

Too bad no pictures allowed inside. Though it looks nice on the outside, the interior is dark and has a lingering mouldy smell. I guess too much antique =P The place is freaking huge! Din manage to finish, and neither did i pay extra to visit the Tutankhamen tomb. Maybe next time....
Why do we always say "maybe next time"? When there may never be a next???? Ok, shhhhhh... that's too depressing. Life should be full of hope =)
The Light and Sound on our first night there. It was freezing cold while we stood in the open balcony of Pizza hut to watch and snap pictures.

Heh~ Luckily we didn't pay the entrance fee to go in, cos it's really nothing much, esp when the voice of the naration sounds exactly like the "Ten commandments" Zzzzzz.....
But we gotta tip the Pizza Hut guy for opening up the balcony for us though.... Tsk Tsk... So sneaky...
City of Cairo from my room.

This is the first hotel i ever stayed in that has a balcony! =)

On the way to the pyramids.

Pitch stop at this Papyrus painting shop.

That's the Papyrus plant they used to make the paper...
They seem to be receiving many of us every other day, the whole demostration process and the sales talk that follows is urg... Makes me feel like a piece of meat on the butcher's chopping board. =X
Yeah~ So the rides begin....

First time on a horse, if you discount the time i rode a pony in the Singapore Zoo when i was less than 10? Hahaha....

1 Camel and 3 horses, and off we went.

The entrance to Siberia and the Sahara desert on the left, if i didn't hear the tour guide wrongly.

When this view came into sight i was like "oooohs" and "ahhhs"

B4 this, i have this impression that the pyramids must be in those ulu ulu places in a desert, far far away from the rest of the world. Oh well... i was so wrong....
See the city in the outskirts?

My "entourage".

More Ooooooohs and Ahhhhhhs.... hehe...

The forward-gallery-happy-family crew...

I dun mean B777-200 though. Happy family cos the 3 of us stuck in the same gallery for all 4 sectors. Haha...
From afar, couldn't really see that the pyramids are made up of blocks of stones stacked up tog.
Desert, Pyramids, Horses, Camels and all the horse-riding..... PURFECTO =)

Alrite, the corny pics.... Ideas from the well seasoned tour-guide.

The Sphinx of Giza...
Oh my... This artifact isn't in such a pretty shape anymore... The nose's almost coming off due to erosion.The Sua-ku me who must take a photo with a horse carriage and a lazy bum on board =P
Scenes from along the road... There was this stretch of the river earlier on that was full of trash, basically human rubbish. Reminds me of what they used to say about Singapore River, wondering if that was how ours used to look like?

We are so fortunate to be living in Singapore....
The nice Kabab guy whose willing to pose for us =)
The night market is so interesting!! Too bad we didn't have much time to browse the whole market b4 Tarek comes to pick us up.

I don't mind doing Cairo all over again...
Simply addicted to horse-riding. Looks cool, esp when the horse broke into a lope in the desert.... But ride a horse yourself and you'll know it's a matter of life and death... A little freaky...
Great trip and station, but not-so happy working experience, as the gossips and sacarsm gets to me a little. Thank god i have Kelly with me, as she know those people and totally understood what's going on, and partly cos we were both the subjects since we were buddy b4...
Hiak... Whatever, long forgotten. I just need to move on =)