An early "Bai Nian"....
Cos they were expecting me only on the CNY eve. Had already gone through much hassle exchanging my Melbourne for Brissy. Thus i doubt if i have sufficient time to do it again. More importantly, Brisbane's money is freaking hard to earn. Worked my ass off and after i got back, almost fell ill due to exhaustion.
But i guess it wasn't a really great time for them to host me haha =9
Taaa... Their apartment still in a very raw state when i arrived.

All of them were out, either working or at graduating ceremony, except for Pin. And i joined in to help her sort the clothes.
By evening time, everyone's back. To work on doing up their apartment.

And.... in a short span of 2+ hours, most of the furniture were done up (Kev will make a good interior designer or carpenter =9) and in place. Coooool...
80% accomplished b4 we left for dinner, famished after a whole day of "work"

Watching them doing up their love nest, set me thinking about how i want mine to be like in future. I'll fret over every little detail and certainly wouldn't want external 'Kaypo-ness' =P
Cos things can get very frustrating when there's an extra finger directing. =9
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