Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Christmas 2006


Uncle held a BBQ at his new condo.

Perhaps the number of BBQ i've attended is small, that's why i can proclaim this is not one-of-the-best BBQ, but IT IS the best one i've been to thus far. At least food-wise, it is.

Feels like a pre-Christmas warm-up. Makes me damn "gien" to attend his Christmas eve dinner at his place again.

But damn-it, i was rostered for a standby on eve and was call-up for a KL-Jakarta Nightstop, meaning i'll miss the family gathering all together. *sob*


Yen Yen's Birthday.
Didn't do much except for accompanying each other for last minute shopping for Christmas presents.

It's been ages since i took a photo with any Christmas tree in SG. The last time perhaps was almost 10 years back?

Her Beau and us.

Sushi tei Dinner again!!!! Thought i told myself to stay off? LOL....

*Wish you were there yun.


Twist of fate.

Couldn't believe how fortunate it was for me.
B4 we took off for KL turn, we were informed that our set of crew won't be going for Jakarta nightstop at all due to a change of a/c. I don't care if anyone call me a little girl or immature, but i was leaping in joy on board. Keke =)

Which means i'll be around with my family for Christmas dinner @ my uncle's!!


A little unglam after a whole day of preparation i guess? =P

Best Christmas for me too =)
And i wish for more to come.....


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