2007 - A Close
I am at a lost for words suddenly.
Yet another year has flown by.
So much has happened.
I need a fresh start.
But i have yet to give my new year resolution a serious thought =9 Probably do it in Seoul.
29th Dec.
Today's probably the last day in 2007 i have in Singapore, and it has to be tainted by this verbally abusive tai tai early in the morning. She's palpably an autocratic freak who may possibly turn violent if the maid misplace the flower vase by an inch.
Never ending to our sob stories..... Simply just piling on the push factors. Hiak.
"It good to fly around and see the world, but it is even better to fly around on business." Someone said.
Been telling a few friends that I wanna work in Japan, and their unanimous answer was," Join JAL la...."
*Faintz* I felt 'condemned' to flying.
If i tell them i am considering London too, I have absolutely no doubts about their response,
"Join B.A lor..."
>.<" I want to do more than that. ********************************* 
In the changing room of MYER. Yet another nice dress that i can't buy.
Despite having my Christmas wish fulfilled by activating me to Brisbane for boxing day shopping with yen, it didn't justify the major disappointment with how my plans with TPE-LAX got F up.
I feel so exploited.
Least, now i am looking forward to counting down to the New Year with Shawna in San Francisco. =)
I am sorry.
Hooked on Musical
Hooked on going to musical(s), i think i am.
Instead of going to the large productions, like Billy Elliot which i would really love to see, we chose a cheaper and smaller production, the "Herge's Adventures of TIN TIN". What a first for me!

Deprived of childhood you may say, but we think it's more of indulging in reminiscence. A rather expensive one of 24.50 pound =9. Looking forward to the next London again, for the musical(s) and Mark & Spencers grocery shopping (I know that's very auntie, thanks). Though that's one hell of a happening flight, pushing my physical endurance to the limit, being there simply exhilarates me.=)
I have always trust that a batch gathering @ Ding's will be good, which is why i always make an effort to go, even when i have to report for London at 7am tmr *YAWNZ*.... And tonight's the usual great food, great games and lotsa catch-up time, not forgetting to mention lotsa jokes too.Hear this hilarious real life incident, quoting Ding:Let character A be the male pax with West Asian accent. And the other character was the gay steward.Pax came into the gallery disgruntled, in his strong west asian accent (which Ding is also fantastic at mimicking)A: I've been fingering your stewardess, but she never come!The steward was stunned initially, not sure if he's heard the man correctly. When his senses returned, he didn't know whether to laugh or not, and said "Sir, it's ok. You can finger me and i'll come."************=X
All for Doughnuts
Risking being stuck in a Traffic jam and having to endure a near-half-hr unpleasant traffic conditions cabby ride to Taman Anggrek Mall, all for J.CO Doughnuts.
The one that was rumored to be better than Krispy Creme?!Thank goodness there wasn't any queues, unlike the crazy Doughnut Factory fever here.
Kawaii Polariod from Ann...
By the way, J.CO is "j-coing" to Singapore soon! Can't wait to see if the queue for J.CO will beat those of Doghnut Factory when it first started here... check out their website! http://www.jcodonuts.com/
Invasion in Process
Mood: Frustrated.
While others are celebrating being a Mac convert, i'm here struggling being a new Sony Ericsson user. I am such a technology lagger.
I'm invading my new Sony Ericsson phone right now, trying to make it fit for habitation.
My Nokia LCD screen collasped suddenly yesterday, making me almost incontactable when i have things to be done. I wasn't ready for this. Now that i will lose all my precious SMSes and other data.... Hiak~ I feel so disoriented, sooo lost now... It's scary how dependent people are (me included) on mobile phones. My entire life is built on it.
Next time, I'll make sure i'm more 'mobile', i.e. moving on to the next phone without losing much data, without having your life still stuck in the old phone.
ShaBu-ShaBu-ed again
New discoveries each time, which is why I had no qualms about doing Taipei back to back.
Especially food-wise.
The ShaBu-ShaBu we took much pain to find, cos it was highly recommended by the locals. Absolutely love the 沙茶酱. It's something like satay sauce, only that it is non-spicy on its own and it's saltish.

Add a little of those cut garlic, chilli and spring onion, drown them in soya sauce: Ooola~ It makes everything so appetising. Got 1 bottle back fom the supermarket. Will make it for my family for CNY steamboat !!!
So glad i found you.

I meant the Shin-ya dorayaki. Apparently it's a famous import from Japan and that's the only branch in Taipei. Check this out: http://www.sing-ya.com.tw/index1.html
Luckily i heed Bro's advice to find it. Cuz it's ~Sinfully Heavenly~
The only troublesome part? It has to be kept frozen.
Will be looking forward to the upcoming TPE-LAX over New Year, the one with high opportunity cost in order to "win the bid".
But it's all that i have been looking forth to ;p