Thanks Sister.
Been looking forward to my Frankfurt - New York last week. For the italian pasta joint, the Florena hand cream i gotta top up, the Longchamp bag errand, the yogurt, the Giottos Chocolate from Penny's and even the Mariott's room. And of course, just to be on the streets of New York. It's been half a year since the last. And again, didn't achieve much except shopping despite the company i had. Everything happened at whirlwind speed. Thankfully, someone gave me a surprise by swappaing to do my flight with me, to make this long 4 sectors so much bearable. Thanks again sister.
Ah~ Finally. Allow me to introduce: Our favourite joint in Frankfurt.
Caught the men in action.
Our "Robbie Williams" didn't forget to pose for the camera despite being busy producing 50 pizzas for delivery.
With the babes at Times Square, New York.
A discovery i made: Every 20 blocks in New York is a mile. We walked from 57th street to 34th and back. That makes more than 2 miles on foot >.<"As a prove, the trip to the NBA shop at 55th street in search of my task item.
Completely zonked when i got back to SG cos my body clock got totally messed up after crossing so many time zones. Though i had the whole weekend, i was sleeping most of the time.
*************Gonna missed the Halloween party this Sat, but for a good cause. Off to Tokyo (or rather Narita) ! Finally after a year. Hope it'll be a good one.*************Should i change away my Taipei-LAX for Tokyo-LAX instead?Now that travel plans were more or less finalize to go Japan, and i could recree Tokyo first =P ... And a more duh~ reason will be to see Hilton Shinkjuku before we move out, very soon...... Hmmmm......Darn, the more i type, the more i think i should.

Storms clouds were starting to form and the sweet scent of imminent rain in the cooling breeze were such a delight. I halted, closed my eyes, spread my arms a little and allowed the the wind to tousle my hair, enjoying the very moment.
For a very long time, i haven't enjoyed beng alone, to marvel at the beauty of the simplicity of life and being at peace with myself.
And because, the conversation the night before was so thought provoking, for a split second, i did wonder if it would be nice to have someone else standing beside me rejoycing the same special moment. **********************
That cuts. But I haven't got any answers.
I love my man, but i love my freedom more.
For now.
About 2 months ago, "Fucker" and "Fuckee" were 1 of the new terms that expanded my dictionary and horizons on the gay community.
Today i learnt another new term in the field of relationships, i.e. booking.
To elaborate, here's just a simple analogy.
Imagine in a crowded theme park full of players, all looking around for interesting rides. As you have been on one comfortable ride, long enough, it gets boring. It's an itching tendency to want to move on to other rides looking for more thrills. Yet, having to leave the current ride means giving up your place and having to go through all the hassle of queuing for another. So it's a tie between leaving to look for new excitements or stay.
Wouldn't it be great if you could leave something behind to "book" a place to ensure that you could return, beating the rest in the queue? To hint that, if you could have the privilege that the ride will always have its doors open for ya.
In case i am confusing you, i am talking about "placing a booking" on your ex.
Doesn't that sounds like the best fall back plan? But who like to be the receiver, the cushion? Taking in all that shit? Ideal, it is for the deliverer, but extremely selfish.
As much as we are going through the same phase, I can't help but disagree with what my gf is subtly doing. 一点都不漂亮.
But who am i to lament? Well, the best i could do is to fuss 'bout it here.
~Enuf said.
A friend sent me this. For you and me, and specially to Bro.
1.很清楚的知道她不合適自己,可是更確定的是他不會主動說分手。 他只是耗著等著,直到有一天女生自己受不了忽冷忽熱、若即若離的態度,或是等到年華老去不得不下決定時,自己選擇離開。妳的主動離開,我沒有負心,反而是尊重與成全妳的決定。
2. 半年後發現,他居然可以跟一個只認識三個月的女生步入禮堂,令她晴天霹靂,才明白他不是不想結婚,不是真的不婚主義者,說穿了只是他不想跟妳結婚。八年的愛情長跑比不上三個月的感情。
3. 這位故事中的男生是我的朋友,現在也已經結婚半年。當他聽到劉若英的「後來」,居然會無法克制的流眼淚,想起的是他交往八年的前任女友。為什麼會難過,因為妻子身上有著前任女友的影子,他才明白其實他喜歡的就是這種類型的女孩。
4. 可是人往往很矛盾,喜歡她的倔強與有性格,卻受不了她的嬌縱。喜歡她的落落大方,卻受不了她的朋友一堆;你愛她的小家碧玉,就不要怪她不夠大方;你愛她的活潑大方,就不要批評她像花蝴蝶一樣。戀愛談的愈長,結婚的可能性就愈低,所以有時候戀愛的長度與結婚的可能性成反比。
5. 喜新厭舊是人性,日子久了,會結婚不是為了愛情,而是責任感的驅使。婚後的他才慢慢的發現,當時的那一段感情其實不是不愛,是時間太久了太長了,把愛情給磨掉了,再遇到另一個女孩點燃了愛情的火苗,星星之火足以遼源,把枯竭已久的愛情給予生命,所以倉促的決定結婚。等到真的結婚後,愛情降了溫,才慢慢的發現其實妻子的身上有著許多前任女友的影子,他比較愛的人其實還是前任女友,可是他娶的卻不是她。這樣的情節不知道是不是也在別處同樣上演著?
6. 學生時代的愛情很單純,出社會以後總想等工作穩定以後再結婚,工作穩定以後又想等有一點積蓄買車子、買房子以後再結婚,等著等著,等到愛情被時光給消磨,等到第三者介入點燃了對方心中激情的火苗,乾柴烈火不可收拾以後,曾經在年少一起織夢的理想全都抵擋不了新鮮感的激情,所以琵琶別抱,到最後步入禮堂的都不是在一起同甘共苦、共同經歷過寒、暑假,等當兵的人。
7. 所以奉勸各位女孩子,如果對方真的是你想結婚的對象,不要想著有房子有車子有金 子,有了一切再結婚。現實是,等他有了一切,他的身價暴漲是有價值的單身貴族,他必需要面臨的是更多的誘惑,妳長久以來的等待與年輕時許 下的山盟海誓都難以抵擋誘惑排山倒海的來。就像我現在若不嫁他,非得等到他有車子有房子還有存款時再結婚,那時新娘有極高的可能不是我。因為要等到什麼都有還要幾年?有能力的男人就像酒愈久愈香醇,女人則像麵包一樣有賞味期限,青春是女人的天敵。如果我是他,等到我三十五歲,什麼都有是個有上千萬身價的黃金單身漢,我並不需要一個很有能力而年過三十的女人來幫襯我,我寧可選個如花似玉,年輕貌美的女生,也許沒有什麼工作能力,至少發揮了賞心悅目的功能,一個真正有能力的男人,不會在乎一個女人是否能在他的財富上加乘。遇上對的人,莫等待莫蹉跎,也許沒有房子沒有車子,只要他認真上進,他就是張有潛力的積優股,早點進場獲利更高。
8. 也提醒各位男士,如果對方真的是你想好好疼愛的女人,別讓她等太久,有她一起陪你奮鬥應該是很美好的一件事除非你心中有其他的想法,否則別讓愛情等太久,把真愛都磨掉了!雖然聽起來很殘忍,但身邊的家人朋友都有類似的例子。
I believe for men and women alike, there will be this someone who has set a standard, and we somehow unconsciously use the past as a yardstick for future reference/comparisons for partners.
Life is full of uncertainties.
Was shocked after watching 881 a month or 2 back, to learn that SY's friend of our age passed away within a short period of time due to late stage cancer. I was sympathetic, and secretly crossed my fingers that such tragedy won't happen to me or any friends of mine.
It must be beyond words, to watch someone you know, care or love waste away....
And now. Having to go through chemothreapy for a Stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma and worse, having to deal with emotional ordeals, for herself and family, i wonder how she still remains so jovial and still assures me that all the chemo and biopsy aren't as painful as it is always depicted in the media. She is exactly the last person i would expect this to happen to her. Lean, tan, hyper active, always on the go, always exercising, very out-going and so young.
I believed the following months ahead are going to be tedious for her, as the treatments may drag up to half a year to thoroughly eradicate all the cancerous cells. I know the girl is strong, she will hang in there. Although she has my sympathies, i doubt if i could truly understand what is going on within her. I wouldn't know how to handle it if.....
Somehow life already has plans for us.
"It is not that i want to nag...
But pls just do what you want to do now....
Contribute back to the society...
Treasure all your family and friends.
Love the person you want to the max"
Coming from her.
Can life ever be the same again?