Thursday, October 11, 2007

Life is full of uncertainties.

Was shocked after watching 881 a month or 2 back, to learn that SY's friend of our age passed away within a short period of time due to late stage cancer. I was sympathetic, and secretly crossed my fingers that such tragedy won't happen to me or any friends of mine.

It must be beyond words, to watch someone you know, care or love waste away....

And now. Having to go through chemothreapy for a Stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma and worse, having to deal with emotional ordeals, for herself and family, i wonder how she still remains so jovial and still assures me that all the chemo and biopsy aren't as painful as it is always depicted in the media. She is exactly the last person i would expect this to happen to her. Lean, tan, hyper active, always on the go, always exercising, very out-going and so young.

I believed the following months ahead are going to be tedious for her, as the treatments may drag up to half a year to thoroughly eradicate all the cancerous cells. I know the girl is strong, she will hang in there. Although she has my sympathies, i doubt if i could truly understand what is going on within her. I wouldn't know how to handle it if.....

Somehow life already has plans for us.

"It is not that i want to nag...
But pls just do what you want to do now....
Contribute back to the society...
Treasure all your family and friends.
Love the person you want to the max"
Coming from her.

Can life ever be the same again?


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