The Best has yet to come.
"I want to spend the best years of my life with SIA."I "lied" blatantly to the interviewers on 7th Jan almost 3 years ago. I thought that was what got me through. Whatever that happens after, is now in a blur.From one end of the pacific ocean in Gold Coast, to the other in Santa Monica, California. From Lunch with buddies in Turkey to Dinner with friends in Shanghai.From high fashion in Paris' Champ Elysees to Taipei's street fashion at 五分谱。From One week in Moscow-Huston to another in Frankfurt-NewYork.From Marriot Hotel in Frankfurt to Hilton in Sydney.From historical Athens to modern Tokyo.From the Golden Temple in Amristar to Vantican City in Rome.From snowy JungFrauJoch in Switzerland to the colourful underwater world in maldives.From Great wall in China to Big Apple's Statue of Liberty...........................Have i actually been there???In fact, i don't think i was lying anymore. I do miss the good times a hell lot.But that doesn't mean that i wanna spend all my life flying, i only want to spent some good years, defintely not my entire youth =9There isn't any turning back now.All i have got to do, is to believe that the best has yet to come......
Never say Die
Allow me to introduce Mr Energizer.
What are the odds that the SAME cheezy guy walk up to you and tries to pick you up TWICE in a year ??????????????
It didn't happened at Zouk or any clubs, which would have been relatively acceptable under those half drunk, half high, fuzzy ambience for his such-a-turn-off pick up line. But it was in freaking bright day light on the streets! Of course, it would have been a perfect fairytale if he looks half like Keanu Reeves, not unless u count Shrek & Fiona a fairytale too?
What is WORSE, is that he used the same pick up line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's always this "Hi you looked familiar! Are you from NTU?"
Instantaneously, i was soooo glad that i wasn't, and i felt sorry for those who was.
Whatever that follows was apparent that he doesn't care if i was his ex-schoolmate anot.
"Maybe we could be friends??" If you are that desperate, call the Friendship Line!!!
Now i'm torn between laughing at him or telling him off if (i am unfortunate enough) there's a 3rd time. Nevertheless, he still has some credits, for providing me a good laugh and his courage is something to applaud.
I wonder how many has fallen prey to his tricks. Little i hope? Cos he has to learn to blot his face b4 walking up to strangers!
BTW, If it was you, what would you have done?
Addiction - the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
That's the definition of addiction taken off
That explains why i was melancholic most of the time since August, knowng my time left is short. I treated every flight as though it's my last. I was "diagnosed" with addiction to flying later on, coming from someone who has been hooked for a few years short of 2 decade.
I've used to complained about living out of a box, how tiring it is. Now that i have to stow the luggage(s) away for minimal usage, i felt a part of me left hanging loose.
So how do i cure an addiction of 951 days?
I don't know yet. I will find out in a few days now that i've had my last.
Why of all flights Hong Kong? Most asked.
Firstly, roster was as such.
Since September, i almost went bonkus trying to change for the flights i had to do. Frankfurt-New York, Seoul and Paris. 3 was enough to pull all my hair out. Usually i get messages from girls who are quitting giving away all their flights, whereas i did the exact opposite, working extra hard, fully utilizing my offs to get to stations to stock up my stuff.
That's the down side of flying. As much as it is a perk of flying, it could be a curse. The moment we stopped, the supply of international goods gets cut. This fss was telling me she uses only U.S' John Frieda shampoo and wonders what will she do when she quits. Bring one cargo bag extra for a year's supply of shampoo? The same for those Bath & Body Works, Abercrombie etc. fans. Morale of the story? Don't start.
Side-tracked too much. Back to story.
Secondly, it was all for the hong kong-nese food.
I haven't been to Hong Kong for 2 years! Wanton Noodles, Dim Sum, Milk Tea, Portugese Egg Tarts, 老婆饼, Congee, Pork Chop Bun, 水留山 dessert, Macaroni soup etc. and the list goes on.
Unfortunately, i didn't have space in my stomach and the time to makan all of them. So this was all i had, and mango hashima pudding drink from 水留山.

Thirdly, this is my last chance to make it memorable by taking my revenge, on pax.
That is every stewardess dream. After being a physical sponge for all sort of "assualts" for so long, we do get a little inflated with vengeance. And Hong Kong being a high complaint sector, it has the perfect setting.
Fourthly, from SNY to the last.
I thought it's a meaningful way to end. Although it could have been better if it was a long haul. But things would have been harder if it was helluva fun flight, making the addiction seriously hard.
5 years, was the original plan. But when you've lost the passion for it, even a day is long.
I have laughed and cried,
over and over again,
experiencing emotions that went from crest to trough then back,
for the last 2 days.
It is sheer torment
having to appear happy, crazy and fun loving,
pretending nothing has happened,
but deep inside,
I am crumbling.
Yet no tears can heal the kind of pain.
好痛.....************************ZY's live performance @ the Shakespeare & co, one which i couldn't shake it off since.A piece of Elton John's.What I got to do to make you love me?What I got to do to make you care?What do I do when lightning strikes me?And I wake to find that you're not there?What I got to do to make you want me?What I got to do to be heard?What do I say when it's all over?Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
1st October
Still remember why i started this blog at all?I was counting down to a brand new "high flying", supposedly glamorous job, away from the rigid, desk-bound debt hounding bitch i was, with peanuts pay.2 years and 7 months on, I am once again counting down.But instead of forward, i am counting it backwards.In Paris now. 3rd last to enjoy the sweets that this job brings. Only Seoul and Hong Kong left to go. =(
It has been an extremely hectic September. I tried to squeeze in so much since i know that i do not have much time left, that i am suffering from sleep deprivation. I was hardly home for more than 48 hours.Now i realise, time is so hard to buy.I keep looking back, where all is 好吃好住好玩, minus the hard, manual work. I knew i am going to miss it a hell lot. Of course, with a new 'roster' of monday-friday 10am-8pm, it pales in comparison to my previous "one week in London and the next in New York" kind of lifestyle.=/