In the mood for friends
It's 4+ pm on a Sunday afternoon. Weather's perfect except for the heat and i am sitting in front of the PC with no appointments to rush to, but just listening to those soothing, jazzy songs, relaxing my tired bones and wasting my time away.....Just got back from a BKK turn. Despite the hectic work, it was a pretty good day mainly cos of nice colleagues and boss, something that was the least i pray for, everytime i report for work.Anyway i side-tracked. The reason why i logged on was becos i have a message to broadcast.Perhaps it was the music or perhaps it was the chocolates in my blood stream, i want very much to tell the friends that i have been trying to meet up, but yet failed, as well as to all other friends,You've been missed.....
Was clearing pics from my camera when i found what's left of our lazy Saturday afternoon together last weekend.Taken by the semi-pro.
And taken by the noob, i.e. me
Love the deck with those swings, complete with coffee and newspaper, Haha... ;)And finally i can sing that chorus of the song "From Taipei to Beijing" =9This Taipei wasn't such a nice experience, partly cos of the work on the way back home and the walking around Xi Meng Ting in a zonked state. Didn't make it to Shi Lin, cos all the girls were simply too tired.So much for looking forward to it the entire of last month.Yet another poshy bathroom.
As you can see, didn't buy much. Only bought 2 pairs of shoes out of my targeted 10 pairs ;9Not the boots season... Made a mental note that i gotta change for a Taipei sometime near Autumn or Winter. =P Anyway, i am running out of storage space for shoes... *Cham*I'll need to get a polariod camera soon too...
Copenhagen - Again.
The ultimate company i had in Copenhagen to tide me through the boooooring town ;P
The Ice-cream junkies. Even @ 10 degrees! Despite that, i think it's pretty shiok!
Y and myself couldn't resist the tempting invite of the soft-ice topped with chocolate chips.Yummmmmm~That was at the train station, after we found out that the return tickets to LEGOLAND cost a staggering SG$200 each person!!!!!!! There goes our plans down the drains *sob sob* Pretty sianz after that, cos that was what kept our hopes high to do this flight together for last few days.Thus we just hang around the city area working on our Plan B for day 2.New Habour.
The 2 Ninjas that appeared out of nowhere.
We decided to stay in Copenhagen and explore abit since it's also Y's first time; rather then to travel to Malmo in Sweden, which the critics weren't so good, coming from both fellow colleagues and the concerige. =/Thus, the Canal cruise on the 2nd day.
And if i didn't hear the guides wrong, these houses cost about 10 million kroners, roughly 3 million SG????
The Opera house. On the island across the main land, where all the posh properties are.
And Hi~ Little mermaid again.
No LEGOLAND. But MacDonald's have LEGELAND. WTH is that?
View from the 2nd storey Mac house.
The cheapest place to stop for a drink or snack. The Mac house held much fond memories as we spent lots of time pitch-stopping there and just sit there and chit chat. At many point in time, i thought we could just sit there and enjoy each other's company and forget about sight-seeing. Too lazy also. =pAlong the way to Marble Church, we came across this mini tulip garden.
The Marble Church.
A view that i captured while on the cruise earlier that day.
With the 3rd largest dome in Europe.
And yes, more ice-cream =)
Sry Wen, i thought this picture is really cute!
And i look like i'm trying to lick my nose. >.<" Of course, of course. The road side Frankfurters are a must have.
Ok, that's all folks, minus the time we chill out in W's room. We did nothing much.Though we didn't actualize our plans to LEGOLAND, i had very much a difference kind of fun. Their great company are such an indulgence, before i knew it the trip's over. All the Nuah-ing in Wen's room.And the time spent talking at Macdonald's.I'm gonna miss them.If only we have the chance to do it again ='''(
Joke of the day
Hear this, joke of the day for our Penang turn.Pretty hilarious if you get what i meant.Male Taiwanese passenger at the airport asked in their very cutie taiwanese chinese accent: "Excuse me, can i ask you why is she wearing red colour?" (pointing to my chief walking way in front).Me: Oh! she is our supervisor. (replied in my best mandarin possible)Him: Orh.. Is that why she carries a LV then? Me: *Blur* Huh? (Before i realise my chief's carrying a LV cabin bag and the rest of us in blue, tailing behind are dragging a Samsonite cabin bag.)And before i said anything else,Him: Then what about those wearing green? What do they carry? Chanel ma? Me: *Blurts out laughing* No la...*********Haha he is so cute.
Besides Hilton Sydney, i think this Hilton Beijing has just surpassed the former and top the charts for the best hotel i've stayed in.I like the layout of the room, with a comfortable sofa and an oh-so-professional work desk. And of course the bed is gooooood. Lots of cable TV stations to choose from too.
Being woman, naturally the toilet has a heavy weightage in the scoring too. Agreed with a few of the girls that we lurve the sink, the only thing is, the lights in the toilet is to yellowish... =/
Gave us pretty good ideas how we want our own home to look like in furture, thus the photos are to show the interior designers haha... =p
And the bonus points goes to these! I'm such a sucker for La Source pdts.... Haha...
I like oriental runs, cos everything's cheap, just like this Japanese alacarte buffet which is about 68 RMB, about ~S$15? *WAAAAA*
In Singapore, one plate of sashimi maybe already $15 or more >.<" And the babelicious companions of mine.
Don't underestimate us, we have pretty big stomachs after starving the whole night for shopping at Ya Xiu. Overspent a little, but got what i wanted to get *Happy*Just cannot imagaine the damages to come when i get to Shanghai and Taipei later this month.And all i can think of doing in Taipei is: getting SHOES !!!!!;P