HKG - San Francisco
"Wa you got promoted so fast ya?!"
A joke from "Pretty" on our last leg of this 4 sector flight.
Dooshite? Why?
(1) It's my first 4-sector flight.
(2) My first solo as kitchen-god, B2.
(3) First time as mentor to a SNY on the last sector.
How happening. =9
When i found out i'm going to be B2 at control, wanted to kick myself cos i didn't read the help-notes (Galley work for dummies =9) that thoughtful Simon typed and e-mailed all of us. Wasn't expecting it to come that fast, especially from my own team????
Hong Kong - San Francisco
Here goes....
There! The Macau TeaHouse i love patronizing.

The Pork Chop sandwich breakfast i had the 1st day i touched down into HKG.

Haha... Too hungry, took a bite first b4 i capture it. =P
Returned to hotel to blog after makan and checking out ESPIRIT warehouse. As well as do some really last minute read up on whatever scrap i had about galley work. Totally unprepared for it. Kept bugging Cindy about galley work stuff, while she herself is also stressed up like me, cos we both ganna first solos as J2 and B2. LOL.
Actually, hitherto i have no idea why my boss decided to 'train' me up for galley work so fast. It's obvious that my cabin work's still far from ideal. Hmmm.....
But thank god.
My teammies gave me lots of tips on what to do. Most importantly, at least my "first time" was given to an absolutely nice and 'Chin Chai' LS.
From ground work to the first meal service, i thought i was a complete disaster. A burden to the rest, as they had to cover me and my inadequate support from the galley. >.<" Determined to improved, made used of the lull period to organise/clear up my messy galley and asked my team LSS loads of questions.
Being a GS is a test of one's organization. I have to know every single corner of my 'house' and make sure my peeps get what they need, fast, as well. The second meal service was better, but i'm faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from reaching the minimum requirements of a GS still. Hiak....
Was gloating to Cindy after landing that i don't think i'll get check, cos it's my first solo as B2, wouldn't be fair right? Thought i was a horrible B2, if get check, sure fail. Poor Cindy cos she got check for a first time J2.
But hey! Guess what?
We both had the same fate. First solo J2, B2 ganna check. I only found out when we returned to Hong Kong a few days later..... But lucky me, the LS was indeed a pretty generous and kind man.
When we touched down, i was completely 'seh', and wondered out loud in front of seniors if i really did reach San Francisco? =9
Had a humongous-portion dinner at the Hotel's Thai joint b4 retiring back to room and watched Oprah till i drift off into lala land. OMG, and i discovered that Harry Potter was almost wasted away b4 this lady rescue it from the reject piles. Jeeesh... It would have been a big waste, cos i love Hairy Potter!!! =9
Fisherman's Wharf the next day.

The Alcatraz ticket booth. Didn't manage to reserve the tickets online even 3 days b4 the dates as it was fully booked. Haiz... Wonder if there'll ever be a next time?
~Heng~ I was assigned B2 for HKG-SFO. Thus now that my nightmare's over, i could sight-see and shop freely without any worries! YoooHoo!!!
The Alcatraz Island.

Pier 39. The only Pier where seals come in for shelter


It was interesting to watch them for a while, and we observed that there was a "Who's the mightiest seal" on-going competition on 1 of the platform! Cute!
Candy Baron at the happening Pier 39 of Fisherman's Wharf.

Some of the really cute and funny mints.

The 'food' looks so pretty that we wanna eat them even though they're MAGNETS!!!!!

I should have bought this for a spendthrift like me! The Retirement Fund Piggy Bank. ROFL.

My first Top from Hard Rock! San Francisco!

A caucasian girl offered to take this pic for us. Initially we both got a shock and was rather suspicious. But turned out that she's also a tourist and asked us to help her with a pic in return. Haaa...

Clam Chowder.
Eh... Heard so much about it, but it wasn't as fantastic as it seems to be know for. Or perhaps, we just didn't find the authentic place for Clam Chowder ???

On the right, the wide variety of shapes of huge sourdough bread!
'Sua Ku' me.
When we were having the Clam Chowder, i was asking Cindy why is the bread kinda sour/acidic? We soon figure out the answer ourselves. 'Sour-dough' explains itself perfectly.
The Golden Gate Bridge.

Am really proud of ourselves, as we figured our way there by just asking around which public buses we should take to get us there.
Puuuuuuuuuuurrfect Weather =)

::Awesome view::
Myself and the San Francisco City.
Lotsa peeps yatching on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!
On the other side of the bridge, Marin Country.
We didn't really 'touch down' onto Marin Country as being on foot, it takes up alot of time and energy. Plus we weren't sure what's on the other side.
Still, we pride ourselves for having almost completed the entire bridge ^.^
There were a couple of such emergency phone along the entire bridge, as i read on websites that this is a hotspot for suicides >.<" We were toying with the naughty idea of picking up and tell the operator, "Oh we were just checking if the phone really works? Thanks !" *and slams the phone* =P
Yeah~ I left bits of my heart in San Francisco =9
Right, completed our agenda much ahead then planned, thus.....
Dropped by The Cheesecake Factory to 'Tao Bao' our breakfast for the next morning.
Fat fatty fattening... >.<"
View from the outside dinning area.
Tried on a couple of dresses @ Forever 21.
Haha... Looked like a waitress from a chinese restaurant in the black 'Cheongsam'.
I like the other dress there but didn't buy anyway.
The stuff i bought on the first day alone. Gosh...
Had both slices of cakes, Cheesecake and Godiva Chocolate cake, for breakfast on bed while watching 'Finding Nemo' on TV the next morning. Totally Jalad. Too sweet, too creamy...
Moooore shopping on the 2nd day.
In the Abercrombie fitting room.
And they have a range of jeans named after me! Erin! =9
Bleah~ As if...
Victoria's Secrets.
Uh Uh... "No pictures pls M'dm."
Opps! But 1 is enough =P
By the end of it all, i'm having a headache trying to fit those buys into my small cargo bag. Made a mental note that i cant shop much in Hong Kong... =(