Happy Birthday SINGAPORE!
Just when i thought there's no more hope, that i'll nv get a chance to attend a National Day parade @ the stadium... 2 tickets "dropped" from the sky!
Thanks Jia Rong!
I still can't believe it... It's so last minute.... =)
What was suppose to be a small group visit, became another major class outing LOL... The more the merrier!
There you are ! Happy mummy of Baby Kirsten now =)

Thought Lindy named her Cassey... But Kirsten's just as sweet, or maybe nicer =)
I din managed to wake up to join Yiwen & SF for baby clothes shopping =/
They consoled me saying there's another 10+ more chances? LOL Wasn't expecting this joke... Oh well, it's quite true isn't it?
But i don't think it'll be anytime soon.... And i am certain that the next one won't be me! Haha... Got family planning k... =9
Baby Kirsten sound alseep... She's soooooo cute! Am sure she's grow up to be a pretty girl with big, charming eyes!

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