Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Spread the wealth around"

A little something from Dennis that struck a cord in me last week when i visited him in BKK. He was tipping most of the time. But it might be the practise there though....

In Singapore, our tipping usually assume the form of service charge. =/

Perhaps it's also coinsidence that the topic was causally brought up during conversation with other crew for my past few sectors. Bangkok, Male then Jakarta. Having seen for myself, i do agree how fortunate we are. In every way, as simple as being Singaporean.

When i reached Male, the first thought that came to me was "Wow, these people live in paradise on earth man..." *envious*
But on a hind note, they are people with very little and trying to find a living in a country dependent on tourism.

Anyway, back from Jakarta nightstop.

Went out to massage with 2 of my ranking crews. Was a little scare of them initially, cos during my KL turn and the flight up to Jakarta, i certainly didn't impress them. But heck, i direly need to give my body some therapy... Just tag along la... Thank god, they are okay people... =) But i was still very careful with my words during our conversation cos you never know what they can fault you with.... It could be just one word or one facial expression...

Maybe i'm suaku or too conservative or too shy.... But it's a little awkward to be exposed =X
The service was okay, almost good (if not for the uncomfortable neck position, they would have gotten full marks =9). They even prepare sweet ice cold lemon drinks for us b4 and after the massage, as well as ginger tea. I was impressed and quite delighted. Lucky her, i was feeling generous, so i tipped her USD$5. My senior crews gapped when they knew, but then again they too, feel that these people deserve a little more =)

Which is why i say "Spread the wealth around"...

The return flight back this morning was the only good thing that happened to me this trip. I like my LSS. She's very sweet, jokes ard, takes good care of you, not stingy with compliments, taught me a trick or 2 to improve on service and does not screw me up for asking those product questions that i am expected to know during checks, unlike some LS/LSS. We should have more of such people around....

Her compliments made my day!
Just 1 good person/gesture/compliment can drive all the bad air away. I am that simple =)

The nice hotel toilet. But after taking a closer look, it's actually pretty old and been very used.

Sleepy now, not much time to crash b4 having to meet the rest later for baby clothes shopping. Baby Cassey's here!! ^.^


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