Shanghai SNY

This was the only picture we took in Shanghai, me and Kelly combine. Our nice hotel toilet.
LOL.... *Faintz*
Didn't get to go to the scenic Yangtze River nor the Pearl tower places cos noone to bring us there. After a short 1 hour @ Xiang Yang mkt, we got bored and return to hotel to dump our light shopping and headed for the usual crew massage. The massage sort of zombie-lised us such that we drag our tired selves straight back to hotel and slept at 9.30pm.
The nice IFS who allowed us to take the jumpseats together twice. Almost 3 times in fact, but we missed once and he let us sit in the first class for take-off from Shanghai.
The Captain's so nice that i felt guilty of stereotyping of all them =P

We were told that these cutie marshmallow clouds are pilot's worse nightmares. Thank god Kelly heeds her CL's advice to bring along her camera to the cockpit, cos we may not get the chance again.
View from the Top. Johore.

Approaching our airport. From here i could see Bukit Timah Hill and the CBD. Kaoz... we are that small....

Singapore Airport runway.

Home sweet home.

OMG! 3 more days to Graduation. It's so scary.......
Gotten my roster til 15 Aug. Nothing much fantastic except lots of turns =(
F5 !!! (Fellow maple player will know what this is)
The only "sweetener" they rostered me for are Maldives and Amsterdam.
The guys in my batch are already getting really good destinations like Frankfurt-New York, Johannesburg, Zurich etc... Haiz... What to do? Me aint guy, thus not in demand.
Waiting patiently for my states flights. Meanwhile i'll save up for them =)
Updated my Perth SNY pics as well.
~ Yen where are you ???? ~
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