Day for Sun, Sky and Sea.
It's been ages since i last been there, East Coast Park.
Was it the first time?
I doubt so, but i can't remember when was our first time cycling together there. But as usual i enjoyed Yun's company. Made some future plans like roller blading together and maybe a diving trip next year? If it's on, then i am really looking forward to it, an escape to island paradise. Pulau Redang or Perhatian, i've looking forward to them since i've conquered Tioman 3 or 4 years ago =)
We weren't exactly cycling, more like sight seeing and talking while working our legs Haha...
Came across some rather big sand castles, so we stopped and took a look, wondering what the H*** is going on there Haha.. K-po bascially...

I'm really glad to be out @ the beach today, only if i ignore the blazing sun la... I know i'm getting rather bimbotic, dodging the sun whenever possible. What happened to the old sporty Erene? That old one can get so burnt and "Chao Ta" and be proud of it =P
The blue blue sky and blue blue sea (although @ other times it wasnt exactly blue) makes me reminise very much the days when i went diving back in my Year 1.

1 of my favourite photo with my team, during my first dive trip, yearssss ago.

I miss the sea, the yatch, the resort, the blue blue sky, the sunset, the starry night sky, the beach, the sea breeze, the sun and mostly importantly, the company that makes the memories.
Memories are such fascinating ideals. Just 1 good experience can bring a smile to my face and leave me feeling contented for a whole day =)
Gonna have Chong Qing steamboat with my TJC 24/00 later in the evening, as our half-yearly gathering. Hiak, Lindy babe aint going. Well, perhaps the next time she'll have to bring Casey along =P
Lindy and Yun in 2 days. Although it was only a short few hours of catching up, that's enough soul food for sometime to come =)
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