Day 48
"It's all in the mind. Half the battle's always determined up there."
Somehow when i said this, it reinforces itself. How true it is in everyday life.
I love motivational books (when i have the time =P), it empowers with me so much energy to live each day as if there's no tomorrow. Today is a gift.
Sian, there's gonna be B744 test tmr. Rumored to be harder. Bleah~
Was out with JC dude, KS, last night. Haven seen him for half a year and so much things have changed. Decided to make full use of my crew pass, so went to the nv-go-wrong choice: Fish & Co. to get 10% discount on food. Tried to ask if Sakae has that privilege for crew? But i think the waitress didn't understand what i meant, cos she gave me that blur look and said that discounts are only given to UOB and OCBC cards holders...... =/ Anyway, spent the entire night updating him about my career swap, while he fill me in with his break-up.
That was what came as a shock to me. I thought they were going strong. 5 years. But time no longer matters when he relates what actually happened, i seriously think he will be better off with other girls. There are much better ladies around. Honest! I expressed my stand rather straight forth to him too, i know it sounds crude, oh well... =P
However, what i think is what i think. He's only to decide what's good for himself.
I admit my opinion is rather biased based on his one-sided story. But when fundamental values differ, no matter how long a couple has been together, it becomes auxillary. Communication is vital!!! The next relationship killer: taking for granted-ness. We are guilty of that.............
Showing appreciation once in a while can make huge differences.
My self-take master piece. Heh~


Think i'm a better photographer than him =P
Yeah! Meeting pi later, miss talking to him =)
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