Day ? - I've lost count
Okie, i've come to conclude the Chong Qing Huo Guo is only worth 1 try. Period.
The TJ dudes.

And the ladies.

Although there's only 9 of us, it's quite an average turn out.
Of course, lots of updating and secrets spilled over the table. Lindy you're the biggest bomb of the night =P. And true enough Yiwen did ask me about you with inference from her brief encounter with you months ago. No more worries now ya? =)
The class later went into a frenzy predicting who's gonna be the next one LOL =P. They were all so sure that Beng Huat was going to be first.
There's Darrel new found love. FINALLY! After so many years, the all time girls' favourite guy got a girl for himself. I was just starting to doubt his sexual orientation. Haaa... Joking la. I bet many girls in his hall will be heart broken Hehe....
Then there's Juliet. I have no idea she's no longer with him. Like Nic, i feel that she's a change woman.
Chow Hing's next =) Dude finally got his "Ai Mei"
Ning Ning too. We were starting to get worried about her sudden decision to resign.
I contributed a little. Left mine to the last as dessert. As usual, shocked them with my career swap.
We were all so thirsty due to the overdose of MSG in the soup, that some of us adjourn to Marche @ Suntec for a drink.

Today's 1 of the few class outing that i feel we've all grown alot..... The girls especially, with our working life....
Like everyone else who knew, they'll always ask me something like this: "Do you intend to stay long?"
I have asked myself and been asked umpteen times. How long?
Honestly, I don't have a concrete answer now. I haven really experience the flying life, the degree of toughness in managing fellow crews, my torlerance level and so many other factors to consider.
However, i do have roughly something in mind, but that is only if everything goes fine. The CTS kinda reinforce it today. Everytime ganna zapped, just smile, gritted my teeth and think about the $$. 5 years and 100 grand sounds really really lovely (",)
At the end of the day, i guess it boils down to what i want to do with my life. Been left questioning myself this 2 days. I'm very simple, i crave neither for super success, corporate recognition nor incredible riches. As long as my loved ones can lead a comfortable life, that's more than enough. Perhaps i will stay. The lifestyle, the travel and the monetary benefits are just what i'm looking for. Or so i think.
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