Day 25 - Class "Outing"
Yeah, not so much of a "Outing" cause we were scheduled to do everything in 1 day anyway. For once, the girls are all ecstatic about not having to put on wayang makeup. And the guys have to say "Your looked more human today" ................... *Dots* & *Sobz*
Rushed down on cab with Wendy cos both us late (no nid to drama makeup, still overslept and late, Hehe). Reached US embassy to Q at about 8 ++ and guessed who we saw? SuperStar.....
contestant Shi Xin Hui la.. haha .. If only it's Kelly Poon Heh~ Xin Hui looks okie to me lei, but on screen she looks rounder....
The people working in the embassy were rather rude... Eeeks.
And while Q-ing, i made the first reunion with alumni of my alma mater(s) in SIA. CHeryl !!! In the same class somemore! Hehe... She's my senior my TJC and she also knew about Huiying and Hanwee. Haha the golden couple are no longer together anymore though. *Sayang*
Left on cab with Cheryl and Kelly, heading to Loyang to collect our accessories. And moments after we settled down in the cabby, the 3 of us just automatically whip out our mirror/ compact powder. >.<"" Serious occupational hazard, something we all feel so guilty about. If there's any change, i feel that i'm getting more n more insanely vain. "Hiao Dao Ji Dian" =P. Haiz. After collecting our accessories at the store, we drag our laden selves to T2 swedsens to have lunch cum April-babies celebration.
Moi & Sally, our baby cutie pie. Also my "Jie Mei" for the day cos we're the Purple ladies! *Muacks* So Ke Ai ^^

Mel, Tiff, Celine & Wen. Tiffany bears a stark resemblance to Xiao Yan Zi aka Zhao Wei =)

The "Destruction" Hehe...
Presenting the April Babies!!! David, Jonathon and Cherlyn. Poor David has exams on his Birthday.
And the Crazy peeps of 863. Yeah, we are kind of creating a din in Swedsens. Luckily they gave us a "partying room" that has glass doors to segregate us from the public.
LOL... Honestly, i think everywhere we go, we create a din anyway.
We spent a good 2 or 3 hours @ Swedsens eating, playing games (Murderer, Doctor and Inspector game?) and having cakes before we head off to take Airport pass photo.
To think that we'll have a short and enjoyable day, we're so wrong. "Shouldering" along the accessories in the huge black cabin bag and ending about the same time as normal working day is equally taxing. Speaking of cabin bag, we all thought that there's gonna be a complementary small size luggage. End up, it's only the mamasan bag above. Sianz.... Got to fork out of my own pocket...
Finally, on the way home on MRT, we were behaving like tourists, snapping away. First time in Singapore Eh? =P Aiya, my bumber bee shades...
Eh... He's not a bus uncle, neither a tourist from China =P But Kel's shirt looks so much like the uniform shirt from my Secondary School, Manjusri Sec! Back then the boys are always being teased about bus drivers lookalike, b4 SBS decided to changed it to green. Heh~
Class's been awesome =)
*1 more day to exams*
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