Day 19
Sorry Sorry.... (occupational hazard, always apologising =P) No time to blog cos exams approaching, and all of us are starting to feel the stress. It's 80% for passing mark lor... who wouldn't be stress? Spent the weekend mugging and trying to avoid logging on.
It's Monday blues today... *sign* Nothing interesting like last Monday's alcohol class to cheer the day up. I see why this is a bitchy industry, as we had alot of fun bitching about our "juniors" today. Like who's Shuai, whose french twist's upside down, whose bun looks like a durian... Oppsie =P Bo Bian, cos when we are bored, we become sadist. =P Nah... just for today la =>
Missed a KTV with majority of the class last friday evening, wanted to head down after my leg therapy session @ Pi's place in fact, until i received my brother's sms "Jie i going SGH's A&E now"
That almost freak me out. Hope things aren't too serious. *Fingers crossed*
And as i speak, just received a bad news from dear yen yen on MSN regarding her parents' deteriorating health. Am worried for her... Girl, *hugsss*
Found out by accident that Lindy is working in the States now. Yen's in Shanghai. Yun dunno if she is gonna stay in Singapore for long. As for Grace, not sure if she'll be come cosmopolitan too. Hmmmm.... I feel more and more alone suddenly...
Had our last communication lesson last friday with "beloved" Mr Green. I realised that we all enjoy his class lots lots. Perhaps of his Ang Moh fun, the role plays etc...

Me and Miss Sha Da Jie role-play in action. As usual, she always make it so funny, by just being herself =)

On Thursday, we all learn to take care of babies, prematurely. But of cause there're a couple of guys in our class who are soon-to-be-husband or maybe even dad! Good training, free somemore. Heh~ =)

Oooo! Camera-shy Melissa posing in a Bib ! Hahaha...

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