1 more day to last Exams
Kaoz... my com is dying... Dunno rebooted how many times as i write this...
3 Days of off and i am only starting to mug for tmr's exam half day through Sunday... *Stressed*
Spent Friday with Pi watching The Art of Seduction. Nice show with the "oh-so-common" korean romantic comedy vibes. BTW i watched it on Youtube hehe... Someone posted it there.
Went for my Eyebrow trimming cum shopping therapy on Saturady afternoon. Should have know better... Cos a bomb dropped into my pocket >.<" Bought about $80 worth of I Novi makeup from Jeannie, the I Novi lady whom i like going to for trimming. She was kind enough to elaborate and demostrate to me how to create different looks =) How not to buy after she has done up your face nicely for you FOC? No no, she did not hard push... It's a favour thing... Hiak....
Also bought a polo tee and a beige pants for SEP training. Kaoz... I shouldn't be buying so much clothes just for SEP la *slap myself* I wanna shop out station instead... Hmph, i shall not care if i wear the same thing to class every week le!!
Simon(e) jio the class very last minute on Sat morning to Villa Bali in the evening. Pretty nice place to chill out, i like their theme. But it's freaking secluded, near the old SAJC (where's the new one anyway?) along Alexandra Road.
When browsing through the menu, i was telling the rest, for once i actually know what i was reading Haha~ Aperitifs, Rum, Bloody Mary, Cointreau etc... I tried not to drink and i did! Only ordered a mocktail called Sea Breeze, a mixture of mango, pineapple, orange and some other juices.
The peeps who went, minus Tiff who was really late...

Dear Wen... Girl, mei mei la... your skin looks just fine to me. No worries de =)

My senior, Cheryl and Moi. TJC 20/99 and 24/00

Okie, gonna reveal smt embarassing about me... Promise you won't laugh ? See that wet patch on my tee? Perhaps i didn't expect Singapore's toilet to have the water sprout thingy to clean your privates. So there i was standing in front trying figure out how to flush the toilet bowl (cos the stooopid flush couldnt work), and there's this button @ the side... No harm exploring right? Bleah, the next thing i know i ganna the water liao... *faintz* Shhhh........

And before we left .............

The rest, went to Zouk for a second round. Sally, Mel and Moi left though...
A peek into my thoughts: sometimes i wonder is this all worth the effort? At times i feel that things are just kinda surface. Fun, but lack content.... Shouldn't i be making an effort to meet friends whom i have known since school days more often? They have been part of my life and i should continue to bank on them but is it too late?
I'll remember what Pi said... "SIA's only for a couple years of your life, but i'm for life".......
Yeah! Received photos from Ezer @ last. His com has been down for sometime... His collection captured most of the food module moments weeks ago.
While waiting for our food to get ready, we were to familiarise with the tray setting.

Whoosh~ The food vanished into our stomach. We're sooo hungry Haha =P

We had Cheese tasting in class later that day. I'm a cheese lover too, but not the hard core type. Blue cheese is YUCKY!!!
When the IFS left us to finish the rest of the cheese, being the naughty pple, we wont just guai guai finish it. So we played the Wu Zhong Xian's game - Zhong Ji Mi Ma!!!!!
Whoever who got the number, will get a mouthful of Blue Cheese coated on a small bread.

Blue Cheese ---> the one that looks mouldy, on the right most.

See the "power" of Blue Cheese le ma? Now we know how the Ang Mohs feel about our durians.

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