Short flight, 2 meals, i worked every single cent of it. Zzzz...
So far, i like working with male CLs, they're so much nicer,less demanding and more relax. *Crossed my fingers* I don't wanna have to eat my words soon after saying this Hahaha....
So flight up to Seoul, i had an easier time.
Flight back? Ganna nag and nag and nagged at. She's nice la, just nagged a little too much. And being woman, sometimes she can be quite temperamental.
But she pointed out something that make me go >.<"
I'm already a woman of few words.
Under stress, when in panic or purely lazy, i'll tend to go like 'Nah', take it and assume that they understand my intentions/actions, like a black and white silent movie.
I'm amazed by the fact that she saw through me, just 1 short meal service. Got nagged at even in cabin, back in the galley, i ganna the full fledged nagging.
"Your smile is good, but don't just smile only, talk la... Say something..... Otherwise you look like a bimbo okieeee?"
PR. Point noted. So i picked up a little of her chirppy-ness. =9
On a hind note, i do feel that i learn much more when guest starring, especially when i meet demanding people, or even zappers?
LOL~ I'm so contradicting...
Millenium Seoul Hilton. I like the touch of orient in the design.

Itaewon, recommended by Meow, i thought was the place to go.
So, headed out myself after checking in, freshened up and with no rest for 24 hrs. Yeah, i am that excited about shopping in Seoul that i sacrifise my sleep and without company (no seniors seem interested in Itaewon), i venture out alone into the foreign land of Korea.

Language challenged. I regret not picking up a few useful korean words! Even communication with pax on board was a challenge. The koreans do understand english but they're not very good at conversing.
Dunkin Dougnuts! I had 3 for brunch!

Wanted to Ta-Bao back home, but i'm afraid they'll turn stale if i buy so early. Thus, decided that i'll buy later in the evening when i get the chance to go Myong Dong.
On the shuttle bus back from Itaewon to hotel.

We had to take this route up the hill and there's a good view of the landscape of the city.
Wasted 3 hours walking up and down Itaewon in search of FACE shop, but it's nowhere to be found. So frustrating. There's nothing there, everything's expensive, out to chop tourist. Finally, after asking a couple of people, i found someone who know where i can find a Face shop. Num Dae Mung or Myong Dong. >.<"
Next destination, Num dae Mung, a few minutes walk downhill from the hotel.

The place's a little like ShangHai's old Xiang Yang market, but more things to look at besides all the fake goodies.

Their accessories mass-production houses. It's freaking cheap!!! I believe these are the places where the small retail businesses in SG patronize to buy in bulk b4 going back to SG and sell it at a bomb =/

Belts! Yet another wholesale shop. I got 2 belts from here =)

Can't describe the relief when i spotted FACE shop in the midst of the pasar malam place. I have been looking for you all day!!!
At least i can hand in my homework to Meow, i meant the shopping list she passed it to me b4 i hit Seoul. hehe~
The shop assistant Yin Lan and myself.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not taking a pic with her becos i wanna commemorate the fact i found FACE shop. DUH~
But because I found a friend in her. The moment i walked in, i asked her if she could speak English, to help me out. Turns out she prefers to speak Mandarin if i could.
*Chemical Reaction*
We hit it off straight away and we spent the remaining half to an hour talking, getting to know each other, cultural exchange, 'national exchange', plus me asking her about the products.
She's Korean, but spent her childhood in China for sometime. That explains why her Mandarin maybe more power than mine =9
We were like Hehe-haha all the way, such that even her colleagues were wondering if we're long lost sisters? =P Almost couldn't bear to leave, the girl was trying to make me feel so appreciated all the while.. Haiz...
Left FACE shop with barely enough for dinner.
But lucky me, i found a eatery that sells something Korean, something with Kimchi and something i could afford!
Had yet another hard time trying to communicate my food orders... SO funny...
Not bad actually. I like the cold dish best!

I realised the Koreans can speak a little Japanese. Is it because of their close proximity to Japan? Or because they have loads of Japanese tourists?
After my dinner at about 6pm, when i stepped out of the eatery joint, i was surprised that the preparation for night life has started.

I must be really deprived, as i hear so much about these from others. Paid only for 4 though. 1's complimentary from the owner =)

Meow and my FACE shop items combined.

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