Great. Fantastic. Wooooonderful.
I am connection-less.
The time for both my computers are up. 1 died of old age, the other is simply young, useless and dies a young age.
That just adds another big budget item to my to-buy list. *slaps my forehead*
Of all time, you all choose to leave me together !?!?!?! Why can't 1 of you die a few months later?????? *Duh*
Yeah! Deutschland in 2 days time. Excited yet apprehensive. Euro is so expensive.

Bought this Birki's in May and i haven received it from Yun's fren-fren yet. Let's see what i can find in Frankfurt. But sooooooooooooo sian, my budget doesn't allow me to splurge on more than a pair ='''(
Haven gotten any checks yet. So scary... Living day to day in 'fear', i mean, on board. Heard from Cheryl about her bad experience on her first solo, looks like i'm not the only one. Haha... She made a really funny comment that i can't help but agree more.
"The green ones are like mother-in-laws, and the red ones are like grandma-in-laws"
ROFL (gaming lingo = rolling on floor laughing)
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